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Found 4 results

  1. Is there a specific Gospel that speaks to you the most? Is there one that paints a picture of Jesus that you feel the most connected with? Is there one that your church has relied on more than the others, so you may feel it is the most important in your life? Or one that you personally have relied on more than others? No matter for what reasons: which is your "favorite" Gospel?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5MJ7ypuhgY
  3. After God gave me the Holy Spirit, I found proof that TV, movies, video games and computer games are all sins, except Christian stuff that don’t have sins like sermons. I found out that in them there is stealing, adultery, fornication which is sex before marriage, revenge, jealousy, pride, using God's name in vain as a curse word, they are all idols (breaks 2nd Commandment) because most people can’t live without them and they love them more than God and more. Just read the 10 commandments for a list. But if you are one of God’s elects and God gives you the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the permanent cure to boredom but it is only given to God’s elects who suffer the most in this world since they were physically born. [MOD EDIT - NO PLUGGING] Now I will be preaching about how to receive the Holy Spirit and be 100% going to Heaven. First, it's only by the grace of God that he gives you faith in Jesus Christ in order to give up your sins. It’s only by the grace of God that he leads you to pray to him to destroy all your evil desires of watching TV. When you pray to God to destroy all your evil desires of watching TV, Satan will intervene and extremely tempt you in watching the TV. But if it's God's will and if you are one of God’s elects, you will overcome it and God will destroy all your evil desires of watching TV. After God has destroyed all your evil desires of watching TV and if you are one of God’s elects, you receive the joy of the Holy Spirit for about 40 minutes. After the joy wears off, all existence of boredom no longer exists and you no longer burn out (psychology) anymore. That is when you have received the Holy Spirit. Then it's by the grace of God that he forgives you of your sins, as you confess and repent of your sins throughout your life which is called sanctification. But you can watch Christian stuff that don't have sins (Like sermons) because that helps you grow more mature as a Christian spiritually and for more information about this sermon, go to spreadthegospel59.wordpress.com then go to “Is God’s words powerful? How do we receive the Holy Spirit?” Just so you know Jesus had to endure the punishment for God’s elects sins which is Hell-Hellfire, which is extreme love and mercy. Read the bottom of what Jesus had to endure in Hell. Lazarus and the rich man Luke 16:19-31 Extreme Dehydration, rich man begs for a drop of water. Luke 16:24 King James Version (KJV) 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. A place of outer darkness Matthew 8:12 A place of no rest Revelation 14:11 A place of blackness and darkness forever Jude 13 A place where people are tormented with fire and brimstone Revelation 14:10 Extreme pain since you are in everlasting fire. David Platt - Jesus Absorbed the Wrath of God If Jesus didn’t die on the cross and endure Hell which is the punishment for sin, God would still be just in sending us all to Hell because we are all guilty of our sins. Remember TV, movies, video games and computer games are all sins, except Christian stuff that don’t have sins like sermons. Just read the 10 commandments for a list. But God was willing to have some mercy, which we don’t deserve because we are all guilty of our sins. At least God was willing to have at least some mercy, better than no mercy at all. Isaiah 1:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant (God’s elects), we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. Romans 9:29 King James Version (KJV) 29 And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed (God’s elects), we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. If God didn’t chose anybody to be saved, God would still be just in sending us all to the lake of fire which we all deserve because we are all guilty of our sins. Be thankful that God was willing to have some undeserved mercy, which is better than no mercy at all. It would help if someone can translate all of this into different languages like Spanish, Russian, French and more. Than I can spread the gospel on different social medias to people that speak these languages. P.S don’t try to justify your sins or make excuses for your sins or find loopholes in the bible. That’s about it.
  4. I've heard so much about spiritual battles throughout the time I've been learning about God and spirituality. Well, recently I've learned and seen for myself that it IS a war out there! It's a big battle! But nothing God can't handle. I've been on Youtube for quite some time and I've come to notice a user by the name of 'GEERUP'. I've seen a number of his videos and I've realized how this man is preaching on Youtube. He is directing at the atheists. The atheists hate him for it. He comes with the truth (the bible) and confronts their ideas about what they have to say. To tell you the truth, I've never seen someone so active on Youtube preaching. It makes me happy to see movement even on the internet. On the other hand, it saddens me how people just reject God and the truth. It opened my eyes to how so many people are being lied to by theories and human reasoning. It saddens me to see hardened hearts. I've decided to preach the gospel on Youtube as well. I don't make videos, but I answer questions made in the comment box. I ask God to help me and I do my best to answer with love. It's tough. It's an experience that tells you how people are really thinking about in the inside. I don't know about you, but where I live it seems that no one comes out with their beliefs as much as they do on the internet (or youtube to be more precise). 2He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. I've come to understand this passage while in the process. I've chuckled at the ignorance that people project a couple of times. I haven't felt offended thank God to any insults thank God. I've felt the negativity in the hate messages that people posted or sent via PM or comment. It's very time consuming. It's like, they have 3 questions; you answer all three but then they question those 3 answers and come up with 3 more questions. It's a bit overwhelming. But what I know is God speaks the truth and it's up to them to believe it or not. I love answering questions about God. (with the help of God I can answer). I've noticed there are two types of people who ask questions: 1. A person who asks a question to learn about God 2. A person who asks a question to question the answer. It's VERY noticeable. Putting aside the ignorance, I do see hope. Although some people are VERY confused by their own reasoning and are so dependent on what science says and what proof is shown, I see a person that is in need of God. Just like me; just like you. I see a person who just wants to hear the REAL TRUTH. The problem is they are confused. They don't have an idea on what is true and what is false. Why? Because they don't depend on what the bible says. Why don't they depend on it? Because they believe the bible is contradicting, they believe it doesn't make sense. They believe God is a killer. They believe it's all God's fault. They believe what the world tells them more than what God teaches them. It all comes from confusion and God is NOT the author of confusion. And that is what I've learned in this marathon. Please pray for everyone who is confused. Pray so the truth may be revealed to them in a special way that they will be convinced that God is Almighty. It's a war out there. http://www.youtube.com/comment_servlet?all_comments=1&v=ANtpsunRYIs
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