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Senior Stuff!

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So senior skip day is tomorrow. Last Friday everyone was a-buzz about plans, though it's all highly disorganized. We couldn't pin any specific idea down.

We've also been turning over senior pranks. The whole football field is upturned dirt now from construction, so it may have something to do with that.

Getting excited for graduation? Graduated already? Mastermind of a devious (though hopefully harmless) scheme? Skip day a big deal?


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Senior skip day for here was a while back. As far as a prank goes...I thought that the plot was going to be carried out this morning. Upon arriving at school, there was nothing. So, either the date got moved or we just didn't do it. Who knows? Things might change when I post something tomorrow. lol

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Skip day is kind of a joke around these parts.. just because nobody can ever agree on a day so people just skip in large groups on their own time. It's too disorganized to be much of anything. But our pranks are pretty good. Again, people just do their own thing, but it's usually on the same day so it ends up being an entire day of epic pranks.

This year my friends and I are coming the night of our last day (so technically we'll be out of school) and we're going to paint all of the picnic tables in the old football field. They're just old, run down tables that are scattered around the field for students to hang out at during lunch and stuff. It's just a harmless way for us to leave our mark. :]

Other pranks that have been done in the past are:

- Spraying deer musk in all the underclassmen lockers (we have various openings on our lockers)

- Smearing worms on all the underclassmen lockers (that one wasn't so bright.. the smell was TERRIBLE)

- Gluing pennies on the floor (that one was actually hilarious. nobody could get them off for days.)

- Water balloon fights in the hallway (not very original.. but fun nonetheless!)

That's all I can think of right now. There isn't much we can do without getting in trouble somehow. :[

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Couple years ago the seniors let three greased pigs loose labeled 1, 2, 4 and carried a cow up to the second floor, apparently cows don't walk down stairs very well. This year the seniors had a marshmallow fight in the main hall which took a period for the janitors to clean up the stick mess on the floor.

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