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CTF Official Homosexuality Debate


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hey, welcome to the board, i'm michelle (i like to spell it michael) i'm 17, homeschooled and i live in IL, hope ya like it here!

on subject i believe it's wrong because the bible flat out forbids homosexuality, the person is another story though. God condemns all sin and offers his forgiveness to all sinners so the person should be accepted, but the sin shouldn't.

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Well, Garefield12, for starters, welcome to CTF. As far as your question goes, my feelings are far from flattering. As far as homosexuality is concerned, the Bible repeatedly condemns it. (Genesis 13:13 - But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly. (KJV) Genesis 18:20 - And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; (KJV) And the chapter of Genesis 19)

Until fairly recently, my next door neighbors were homosexuals. This story takes a bit of history on these people, so here goes... Several years ago a couple and three kids moved in. Now when I say couple, don't think newlyweds, think live-in boyfriend and three kids (one his and not hers, one hers and not his, and one that was both of theirs). The man who assumed the role of 'dad' in this scenario did a pretty good job of keeping his two daughters in line (and girl who wasn't his). He paid the bills, kept the yard tidy, and did pretty well preserving the status quo. However, supposively this man was abusive to his girlfriend and kids, (who knows?) this was the girlfriend's excuse for kicking him and his daughter out, (the girl who wasn't hers, the other girl that was his and hers stayed).

Shortly after he left, the woman living there with her two daughters declared herself a lesbian, and moved in a girlfriend (yeah, that kind of girlfriend). The situation went from bad to worse. Shortly after that they moved a homosexual male into the house. Now aside from the perverseness of the situation, the mom stopped providing for the kids like she should have. They started going around the neighborhood asking for food, missing school, and without a doubt, being neglected.

Things didn't stop there, however, since this woman kicked her boyfriend out, they haven't mowed their lawn once all year. The back yard got taller than 5' in some places. At least one (maybe more) of the people living there (the mom) started doing drugs. My mom actually watched her light up a rock of crack in the car behind their house (and we know it's not a cigarette because she had no problem with smoking in the house). This led to them not paying their bills. They started stealing water from the spickets outside people's houses because their water had been shut off. The bathtub got so clogged up that they had to use a bucket to clean it out, and no one could really bathe. They had their power shut off on numerous occasions, as well as their phone service, simply for not paying their bills. (Because they had no money to pay the bills because they were blowing their paychecks on drugs... the kids had nothing but cereal to eat!)

All the while, everyone in the neighborhood had to deal with raunchy displays, sexual harrassment by the male living there, and wild, loud parties in the middle of the night, almost every Friday and Saturday night. Needless to say, it didn't last. The male homosexual moved out, I'm pretty sure the mom lost custody of her kids, and the landlord (they were renters...) evicted them.

Now, the house has been pretty much abandoned, no one really knows what happened to the mom or her girlfriend, the house is a real mess, the lawn still hasn't been cut, and it looks like the bank owns the house now...

At least things have really quieted down in my neighborhood. So my views on the 'gay community' are this: All of the homosexuals that I have seen or encountered were perverse, lazy, irresponsible, crack-heads, who couldn't hold a job, were un-qualified to take care of kids, (I can't imagine what those girls had to endure with two lesbian 'moms') and are detrimental to society in nearly every way.

That is my opinion, and just my opinion.

On a spiritual note, God loves everyone, including homosexuals, and wants them to change their ways, but God hates homosexuality. The best thing to do is to lead them to Christ and from their sin when the opportunity presents itself. Hate the sin, not the sinner...


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sorry your poll didn't make it garefield12, i didn't expect it to do that.

these were the options:

What do you think?

I hate gay people all together

Gay people are okay, they are just making a wrong choice

Gay people should be accepted for who they are and left alone

We should have never even brought up the subject as a country

i merged your topics because they were the same they asked the same question the only differnce is one was a poll.

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I have a friend that has a lesbien mother and girlfriend, they are very nice people, but I definetly do not agree with their behavior. Her mother seems to take advantage of people and her partner doesn't deserve it. Her mother uses excuses to use her money and gamble it all away....from what i see homosexuality always ends up in a sad situation or problem....Her mother claims she is a christian, and that she never found anything that says homosexuality is bad, after I heard that i went straight home and found it right off....I don't think she looked hard enough. Homosexual people aren't bad themselves, just they made a decision that is wrong, and the Bible plainly states they are wrong. We still need to love these people just not the sin that they live in.....

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Homosexuality is wrong in all lights, but that does not mean they should be persecuted. I hate when people act like homosexuality is a worse than lying, stealing, and many other things. God views all sins the same.

Yes, but at the same time, lying (aka perjury), stealing, and many other things are illegal. Homosexuality is not. How are we persecuting homosexuals by defining or protecting marriage, or making homosexuality a crime?

(P.S. an ammendment to the U.S. constitution banning gay marriage wouldn't be unconstitutional because it changes the constitution)

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Thank you all for posting your opinion, i didn't expect to get so many replies my first time. i feel so special now. for a little info about me, i am fourteen, am a freshman, live in washington where the rain never stops, true2you30 is a good friend of mine and this is the first time i have ever entered a forum before.

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§†§, by your logic, no amendment is unconstitutional. That includes the banning of "under God" in the pledge of allegiance, the banning of prayer in public places, etc.

EXACTLY! I thought everyone understood that an ammendment to the U.S. constitution cannot be unconstitutional. I'm not talking about a law that would ban prayer in public places, or removing "Under God" from our pledge (which, FYI, was thrown out of court). I'm talking about an ammendment to the constitution. It changes the constitution, hence, changing what is defined as constitutional. Come on, do you really think that the 18th ammendment would have been considered constitutional if it had been passed as a law? The 21st ammenment, would have been, by its very nature, unconstitutional. I'm afraid you're a little misinformed when it comes to matters of law and government.

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