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troubled singer

Girl Forum Access (Ages 16+)
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Everything posted by troubled singer

  1. Hey everyone, I am back after a long (over a month) absence. Unfortunately, I was involved in a pretty serious car accident that resulted in my breaking 14 bones. I have a long road of therapy ahead of me, so well-wishes are much appreciated!

    1. Cary


      Glad you're alive and I pray that you get better soon! Welcome back! :)

    2. Kite


      I pray the Lord keeps you well.

    3. kb5462


      May the Father bless you and keep you.

  2. I'm literally getting paid $500 a week to sit in a car, study, do homework, and watch Netflix. I can get used to this.

  3. My grandmother has been battling adenocarcinoma for about 6 months. The cancer was in the lining of her lungs, and in her lymph nodes. Chemo and radiation shrunk the nodes in her lungs by about half, and knocked it completely out of her lymph nodes!! Which was amazing news! The doctors were talking about surgery to remove the tumors, and - hopefully - she'd be cancer free by this spring! Unfortunately, she went in for scans to make sure it didn't metasize to any other parts of her body. They found a couple of suspicious spots in her spine, so they went in for a biopsy last week. Wednesday, we received the devastating news. The cancer was, indeed, in her spine, ribs, and is moving down to her hips. She went in on Thursday to see what her options are - and there are none. The doctors said she can look for different clinical trials, but told her that her chances of getting in were slim (because she's a Jehovah's witness, and the chemo they would offer would be extremely strong and knock her counts out, which would result in a much needed blood transfusion.). They told her they give her, at best, a year to live...but more like 6-9 months is reasonable. I just don't know what to do. This is horrible news - when we were just celebrating.
  4. I have been beyond exhausted lately.
  5. Is working 72 hours/week, and taking 18 hours in college humanly possible?

    1. Zhouburn


      Possible, I think so. But not advised.

    2. Buoyancy


      Depends on how long your body can go without sleep and not pass out or stop functioning.

  6. My job is going to kill me.

  7. That being an adult isn't as fun as I thought it would be. What's your greatest achievement?
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