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5 Prisoners Released from Gitmo

Guest JAG

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Wow. I can tell you guys you took the whole Obama being a muslim thing the wrong way. I meant that there have been rumors that he's a muslim-terrorist-under cover. The last thing I want is to offend someone from another faith. Do I believe Obama is the anti-christ? Not really. But when I listen to a radical muslim who has turned Christian say Obama is not who he says he is, I believe him. I didn't mean that muslims are bad. I'm really sorry that you guys took it that way. I came on this site to hear what other young people have to say. Not argue with the Body or offend anyone.

But see, the thing is that those "Muslim-terrorist-under-cover" rumors are very much rooted in racism. That's why they started. There's nothing indicating that he's a Muslim. Zilch. Nada. There are dozens of rules that Muslims have to follow: daily prayers, dietary restrictions, etc. If you go through the list, you'll find that Obama's basically broken every single one. Because he is under no obligation to follow them. Because he's not a Muslim.

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I'm in retirement from anything serious on CTF. But I felt I should clear up a misconception that seems very common among people from other parts of the US. 


The whole idea that Obama is a "Muslim-terrorist-under-cover" is pretty ridiculous. It was silly back in 2008 and it's really ridiculous now. And it taps into thinking all or most people of a certain religion are radicals (or in this case assuming all or most Muslims are terrorists). But it's not racism or ethnic bigotry. 


Here's the thing. Not all or most Middle Easterners/Arabs are Muslims. And not all or most Muslims are Middle Easterners/Arabs. I live in a Metro area that has the highest Middle Eastern population in the US. I have yet to see a bilingual sign in English and Spanish, but I've seen many in English and Arabic. And there are plenty of Middle Eastern people (I'm not talking about those people who are a quarter Lebanese and so proud of it, but people who are fully or half) who are Catholic Christian, Coptic Christian, or non-religious (usually from from originally Muslim families). Most Muslims in my area are of Middle Eastern or Southeastern European ancestry, but when you consider the Muslim population of world they come from diverse ethnic backgrounds. You have Middle Eastern/Arab North African Muslims, African Muslims, East Asian Muslims, South Asian Muslims, European Muslims, and Central Asian Muslims. 


I think people from the rest of the US would be surprised how average Middle Eastern people and Muslim people are if they took a trip to where I live. Plenty of Middle Eastern restaurants serve alcohol (those are owned by Christians or not too religious Muslims). And the more religious young Muslims who don't drink alcohol will go out to the Middle Eastern Water Pipe Bars for a smoke. 


I just wanted to point this out. I'm not getting into a debate with anyone about this. If anyone tries to debate this with me, save your breath (or fingers in this case). I won't be replying back to anyone. But if anyone still disagrees with me that Muslim and Middle Easterner/Arab shouldn't be used interchangeably as an ethnicity here's an article from a Muslim on this topic. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/haroon-moghul/even-the-new-york-times-d_b_766658.html

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I'm in retirement from anything serious on CTF. But I felt I should clear up a misconception that seems very common among people from other parts of the US. 


The whole idea that Obama is a "Muslim-terrorist-under-cover" is pretty ridiculous. It was silly back in 2008 and it's really ridiculous now. And it taps into thinking all or most people of a certain religion are radicals (or in this case assuming all or most Muslims are terrorists). But it's not racism or ethnic bigotry. 


Here's the thing. Not all or most Middle Easterners/Arabs are Muslims. And not all or most Muslims are Middle Easterners/Arabs. I live in a Metro area that has the highest Middle Eastern population in the US. I have yet to see a bilingual sign in English and Spanish, but I've seen many in English and Arabic. And there are plenty of Middle Eastern people (I'm not talking about those people who are a quarter Lebanese and so proud of it, but people who are fully or half) who are Catholic Christian, Coptic Christian, or non-religious (usually from from originally Muslim families). Most Muslims in my area are of Middle Eastern or Southeastern European ancestry, but when you consider the Muslim population of world they come from diverse ethnic backgrounds. You have Middle Eastern/Arab North African Muslims, African Muslims, East Asian Muslims, South Asian Muslims, European Muslims, and Central Asian Muslims. 


I think people from the rest of the US would be surprised how average Middle Eastern people and Muslim people are if they took a trip to where I live. Plenty of Middle Eastern restaurants serve alcohol (those are owned by Christians or not too religious Muslims). And the more religious young Muslims who don't drink alcohol will go out to the Middle Eastern Water Pipe Bars for a smoke. 


I just wanted to point this out. I'm not getting into a debate with anyone about this. If anyone tries to debate this with me, save your breath (or fingers in this case). I won't be replying back to anyone. But if anyone still disagrees with me that Muslim and Middle Easterner/Arab shouldn't be used interchangeably as an ethnicity here's an article from a Muslim on this topic. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/haroon-moghul/even-the-new-york-times-d_b_766658.html

It is racism. You're giving people way too much credit. The idiots who started the whole "Obama's a Muslim" thing aren't the kind of people who think rationally about the demographics of Muslims. They're the kind of people who think Sikhs are Muslims and think any Middle Eastern person getting their plane is a terrorist.


They said Obama's a Muslim because he's black, just like they continually peddle their "He's not a legal American" BS because he's black. If he had been white, they wouldn't have said it. It's simple as that. If he was Middle Eastern, they'd be saying it even louder. 

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Guest Mike Spero

And even on top of what RE and CMH said, this wouldn't be the muslim style. The whole: "Obama might be muslim!" thing is more "Red scare"-esque than anything. In all honesty, the "radical" muslims operate by suicide bombings, jumping out behind Marine squadrons with rocket launchers, etc. They have yet to show any plans to slowly incorporate into the government and tactically get the drop on the US, and frankly that goes against their whole style. The "radicals" like to blow stuff up and say it's in the name of their god, and have yet to give any evidence that they'd make some "undercover strategic move" at any point.


Let's even go off the premise Obama IS a radical muslim overlord, against everything RE and CMH listed that entirely destroy that: What has he done for them? In nearly four years, Benghazi and now Gitmo are the only two scandals anyone can put to his name regarding the Middle East. What kind of horrible undercover agent in control of our whole country (even with Constitutional law and checks and balances limiting his power somewhat) could achieve basically nothing for the taliban in four whole years? Now don't get me wrong, whether or not you believe Obama was at fault: Benghazi was a tragic event. And this whole Gitmo scandal seems obviously idiotic. But in FOUR YEARS of running our country, all that anyone could hope to use to make this case against Obama is two dumb mistakes and his race? I don't care for Obama either, and if I had to fit into either of the dimwitted groups I suppose I'd lean conservative; but I still think this whole "Obama is in the taliban!" thing is abundantly false.


As for: 


I came on this site to hear what other young people have to say. Not argue with the Body or offend anyone.

I apologize, but that's sadly what a lot of Christianity as well as this site is devolving to. Kindness and acceptance is lost on people when they feel challenged on their beliefs, and people feel challenged a lot. I get what you were saying, it was a harmless question and in my opinion wasn't rooted in any form of racism at all; but misinformation that many Americans seem to slander-around about our current president. This is sadly the way humankind always is, bickering insatiably over differences of opinion, even amongst Christ's body. I really hope you know this is sadly "normal behavior" for a lot of this site, and you really didn't do anything to bring it on yourself rather than share a view the majority saw as fallacy :c Anyways, I'm pretty positive Obama literally can't be in the taliban, so you can rest easy about that. But if it turns out that by some leap of logic he is and you still believe he may be, you can give us all an "I told you so" :3

Edited by Mike Spero
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Haha thanks Mike. And Radical Edward.....I said I meant no offense, so why are you still going on? And I said rumours. Not that I had actuall proof. I was simply responding to the debate post. What I said (not speaking for anyone else) was not rooted in rasicm. So stop telling me I'm racist, because I'm not.

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I will quickly reply back, but this will be it.


It is racism.


If they were saying Obama was Arab or Middle Eastern, and that it was a negative thing, that would be racist, but saying Obama is Muslim isn't racist (as stupid as it is). Islam is a religion, not a "race" or ethnicity. 



The idiots who started the whole "Obama's a Muslim" thing aren't the kind of people who think rationally about the demographics of Muslims. They're the kind of people who think Sikhs are Muslims and think any Middle Eastern person getting their plane is a terrorist.


These are paranoid people who are very ignorant about most everything. And many of these people probably are racist against Middle Eastern people, but much of it is probably because they think all Middle Eastern people are "Muslim-Terrorists". It doesn't excuse it, but it shows how completely ridiculous that line of thinking is. 


And thinking Sikhs are Muslims proves the point. These people only think "Muslim looking Indians" who wear similar head garb are Muslims, but not Indians who wear traditional Indian (non-Sikh Indian) or Western clothes.



They said Obama's a Muslim because he's black, just like they continually peddle their "He's not a legal American" BS because he's black. If he had been white, they wouldn't have said it. It's simple as that. If he was Middle Eastern, they'd be saying it even louder. 


I've read stuff from Obama's a Muslim conspiracy sites. The ones I read said that he was half Arab, not Kenyan or African. You'll get a lot of hits if you type in "Obama Arab Ancestry 2008" into Google. Since GodslilGirl said she's African American I assumed that you were talking about the myth that he's Middle Eastern. It's ridiculous that a few people say he's not a real American. But I don't think it's because he's half "Black". I think it's because he's half Kenyan and because of that he's seen as foreign. If he was half African American I doubt anyone would bring up his ethnicity (other than a couple of racists).


Oh, and there are European/"White" Muslims. Countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro all have Muslims majorities. But maybe he wouldn't have gotten accused of being Muslim if he was a Southeastern European Christian, but maybe he still would have gotten accused of being a Muslim. I really can't say.


I do see where you're coming from Radical Edward with this. But the idea that Obama's a Muslim, or that Obama's Arab, or that all or most Arabs are Muslims, or all or most Muslims are terrorists are so not grounded in reality I doubt anyone who seriously believes it believe it because of anything more than an irrational fear. We at least agree that the idea's very incorrect 


Either way I just love where live. And I think if most people who are distrustful of Middle Easterners moved here that would quickly fade away.



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Haha thanks Mike. And Radical Edward.....I said I meant no offense, so why are you still going on? And I said rumours. Not that I had actuall proof. I was simply responding to the debate post. What I said (not speaking for anyone else) was not rooted in rasicm. So stop telling me I'm racist, because I'm not.

I never said you were racist. I was informing you that that rumor was rooted in racism.

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  • 1 month later...

And as a "brother in Christ" you should've given me the shadow of a doubt because I didn't mean it "like that." Your harsh words almost sent me running away from the forums, on my first day luppiter.

Edited by GodslilGirl
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"I have Muslim friends."

Well in that case, the crime rate among urban youth would be lower if they just learned to pick cotton like their forefathers.

But it's okay.

I have black friends.

That. That right there almost sent me packing on my very first day. I was all excited about being with other young believers. And I voiced my opinion in I agree, the wrong way, and got slammed by another believer.
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That. That right there almost sent me packing on my very first day. I was all excited about being with other young believers. And I voiced my opinion in I agree, the wrong way, and got slammed by another believer.


Okay? I'm not really sure why that is relevant to an old article on released terrorists from Gitmo; or why you feel the need to castigate me for a sarcastic comment from a month ago.

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I just saw it tonight, and I was going over some of the old posts. I don't have the right to do that do I? I'm just saying you should be more careful with newbies. You'll scare them away if you don't. Plus there was a better way to say what you felt without insulting my ancestors. Like really?

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I just saw it tonight, and I was going over some of the old posts. I don't have the right to do that do I? I'm just saying you should be more careful with newbies. You'll scare them away if you don't. Plus there was a better way to say what you felt without insulting my ancestors. Like really?

Mhm, just curious. I have no regrets however.

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